Sunday AM, watching Bradley and Pitt. I'm rooting for Bradley, as I like the underdog (you should see my bracket...)Anyway, I'm up a little late, and I'm just catching the 2nd half of the game. I'm eating a leftover hamburger patty with cheese and bacon. And, a cup of tea. Leftovers from the Concordia Ale House, where I ordered up the 'lumberjack' burger. It was HUGE. 2 patties, bacon, cheese, and grilled onions. I ate one half as an open faced sandwich, and took the other half home. Who knew it would serve as such a satisfying breakfast...
posted by Hungry T @ 10:48 AM
Have you had your cholestral checked lately???
Anon- Yep, I had a complete physical in December, and all came back just fine. Both my LDLs and HDLs were in the healthy range. Thanks for your concern!
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